Tri-County Pediatrics will be holding Flu Clinics in September and October. Vaccines are given by appointment only. Please call the office (781) 344-3791 for a listing of days and times. In addition, the updated COVID vaccine is now available and can be administered at the same time as the Flu vaccine.
TEL: 781-344-3791
FAX: 781-341-3614
Newborn Welcome Letter
Welcome and thank you for choosing Tri-County Pediatric Associates.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide your child with the highest quality pediatric health care available. We provide emergency medical coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by always calling our regular office telephone number (781) 344-3791.
If you have medical coverage with a managed care plan, please be sure the doctor you have chosen from Tri-County Pediatric Associates is selected as your child’s primary care provider with your insurance plan. If your child will be covered under MassHealth, please be aware that we are only contracted with the MGB-ACO Plan. Please call your insurance carrier or MassHealth as soon as possible to inform them of your child’s birth. If you neglect to inform your insurance carrier of the birth of your child, you will be responsible for any charges you incur while your child is uninsured.
You will find the following information about our practice. Please review this information and complete the forms to bring with you to your child’s first appointment. Please call our office with any questions.
​Please complete the following and bring to first appointment.​